Advertising & Deadlines

The Country Courier is delivered free of charge to over 8,500 homes and businesses in King William County and King & Queen County. Our paper is also published online and is available via our website and Facebook page.


 Ad Type Size Price
 1/8 Page  5" w x 3.25" t $120
 1/6 Page  5” w x 4.25” t $150
 1/4 Page  5" w x 6.5" t $205
 1/2 Page (wide)  10" w x 6.5" t  $400
 1/2 Page (tall)  5" w x 12.5" t  $400
 Full Page  10" w x 12.5" t  $735
 Block/Display Ad  2.25" w x 2.25" t  $60
 Inserts 8,900 Inserts $600
 Additional Options Price
 Add Color: $85
 Announcements: $80
 Obituaries: $80
 Add Picture: $30


Ad Design

We've been helping our customers design their ads for years and can help you create your unique ad or you can just send in your own.


Classified Pricing
Place up to 40 words for $30

Please contact our sales staff at (804) 769-0259
email: [email protected]

*** All rates are subject to change.***
revised 02-22-2024